President's Message


Welcome to The Western Rollout Contracting Est. In Arabic we known as "TAMDIDAT AL GHARBIA – "مؤسسة تمديدات الغربية للمقاولات

By demonstrating an establishment responsibility towards clients we hope to show the true value of our establishment. The happiness and contribution of each member of the establishment is key to the continued success and advancement of our business.

To achieve this fundamental goal, every year since the inception of this establishment we have shared our business plans with our employees. We believe that the awareness of these plans is essential in helping each individual employee build a strong trust in the establishment and one another and allows them to devote their unique talents and abilities to the purpose of achieving this one single goal.

Our aim is to serve the end user and get satisfaction of client as well as end user.  Our establishment slogan “Quality is everything…”





Western Rollout Contracting Est.
Abdul Aziz Bin Ibrahim Street
Safa-10, Jeddah. K.S.A
Mob : +966 544486786 
Mob : +966 555991944